Videos on this page:

  1. "A Dolphin Experience"   

A Dolphin Experience

 Once in  while, you get to experience the thrill of being close to a
pod of dolphins that like to play around, show off and let you
know that they know more about the water than you do!


"Touch The Water"

 If you like the tranquilty of being on the river, here's a nice little 22 Min video for you to watch.


The Canning River, Perth, Western Australia is, depending on the time of year and how much water happens to be running into it, navigable by canoe for around 10 to 12 Kilometres from the Roe Highway Bridge to where it joins the Swan River just past Riverton Bridge.

During April this year, I took my kayak up river from the Riverton Bridge to the Kent St Weir where I joined two friends for the trip up to the next bridge at Nicholson Rd and return.

This is a record of that short but very enjoyable excursion.

Hope you enjoy it, ( If you do, please click the +1 button. Thank you )

  (If the video 'sticks', pause it for a few seconds to allow the video to load then hit play again.)


"Leisure Paddlers 45 (Inc)"

A group of over 45's who meet each Tuesday morning at a different location each week to keep fit by paddling their canoes in the company of like minded people.

The video below was taken on the Canning River one cloudy day in May this year.

If you would like to join the club, give Bill a call on (08) 9446 2848


(If the video 'sticks', pause it for a few seconds to allow the video to load then hit play again.) 

If you liked the videos on this page, please click the +1 button, thank you.